
“Weather Variations: A Yearlong Study of Delhi’s Climate”

     Delhi is a city known for its diverse climate, and it can be difficult to predict the weather from one day to the next. This yearlong study of Delhi’s climate aims to examine the various weather variations and their impacts on the region. The research will take into account temperature fluctuations and precipitation during each season, as well as any other environmental changes. Additionally, trends in air quality will also be considered to better understand how weather affects the air we breathe.

What Is The Temperature In Delhi Today?

Delhi is known for its scorching heat during summers, and winters can be extremely chilly. The temperature in Delhi today, however, depends on various factors such as the season, location, and time of the day.

The city experiences three major seasons- summer (March to June), winter (December to February), and monsoon (July to September). During summers, temperatures can rise up to 45°C while winters can see a minimum temperature of 4°C. Additionally, the pollution levels in Delhi have also contributed to an increase in temperature over time.

To know the current temperature in Delhi today, you can check weather updates through various online platforms or tune into local news channels. It is important to stay updated on weather conditions as extreme temperatures can lead to health issues if proper precautions are not taken. So remember to stay hydrated during hot days and keep yourself warm during colder months!

Year-round weather in Delhi

Delhi is known for its hot and humid climate. However, with its unique mix of weather conditions, Delhi can offer a variety of climates throughout the year. From relatively cool summers to cold winters and heavy monsoon rains, Delhi’s weather can be unpredictable at times. Despite this unpredictability, there are certain trends that can be observed in terms of the temperature and precipitation levels throughout the year.


January is one of the coldest months in Delhi, India’s capital city. During this month, the temperature in Delhi can drop to as low as 5 degrees Celsius (41 degrees Fahrenheit) at night. The daytime temperature is usually around 18-20 degrees Celsius (64-68 degrees Fahrenheit), making it a pleasant time to visit the city.

However, it’s important to note that Delhi experiences heavy fog during January, which can disrupt travel plans and cause flight cancellations. Therefore, travellers should plan accordingly and check weather updates before embarking on their journey.


February is a month of transition in the Indian capital, Delhi. It marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. The temperature during this time can vary greatly, with some days being quite chilly while others are pleasantly warm.

On average, the minimum temperature in Delhi during February ranges from 8 to 12 degrees Celsius. However, on particularly cold days, it can fall as low as 4 degrees Celsius. The maximum temperature typically ranges between 22 to 26 degrees Celsius but can sometimes exceed this range and reach up to 30 degrees Celsius.


March is one of the most pleasant months to visit Delhi. The weather in Delhi during March is warm but not hot, with an average temperature ranging between 20°C and 30°C. The weather in Delhi during this month is perfect for outdoor activities like sightseeing or exploring the city’s many parks and gardens.

The days are mostly sunny, but there may be occasional rain showers that can provide relief from the heat. The evenings can get slightly cooler, so it’s recommended to carry a light jacket or sweater to stay comfortable while out at night. Overall, Delhi’s temperatures in March make it an ideal time for travellers from all around the world to explore India’s capital city without worrying about extreme weather conditions.


April is a month that marks the transition from spring to summer in Delhi, India. The temperature in Delhi in April can be quite unpredictable and variable, with highs ranging from 30°C to 40°C (86°F – 104°F) and lows ranging from 15°C to 25°C (59°F – 77°F). These temperatures can make it difficult for anyone who is not used to such heat.

The high temperatures in Delhi during April are primarily due to the city’s location within India’s hot tropical zone. In addition, the city’s urban landscape, coupled with air pollution, exacerbates the already high temperatures. If you’re planning on visiting or residing in Delhi during this time of year, you’ll want to take necessary precautions against dehydration and sunstroke. It’s important to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day and avoid direct sunlight if possible.


The month of May is considered the peak of summer in Delhi, with temperatures reaching as high as 45 degrees Celsius. The heat can be unbearable, and it’s important to take necessary precautions to avoid heatstroke.

The hot and dry weather in May makes it difficult to go out during the day. It’s advisable to stay indoors during the hottest part of the day from 11am-4pm. If you have to go out, it’s recommended that you wear light-colored cotton clothes that are loose-fitting and cover your skin adequately. Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day as dehydration can occur quickly in such conditions.


June in Delhi is one of the hottest months of the year, with temperatures soaring to unbearable levels. The average temperature during this month is around 38-40 degrees Celsius, and it’s not uncommon for the mercury to rise well above that mark. The high humidity levels only make matters worse, making it difficult to step out during the day.

The intense heat can take a toll on your health as well, causing dehydration, heat exhaustion or even heatstroke if proper precautions are not taken. It’s essential to stay hydrated and avoid being outside during peak hours when the sun is at its strongest. If you do need to be outdoors, wearing loose-fitting clothes made of breathable fabrics can help you stay cool.


If you’re planning a trip to Delhi in July, then brace yourself for a hot and humid experience.

The average temperature in Delhi during July ranges from 28°C to 36°C (82°F to 97°F). With monsoon season starting towards the end of June, the city experiences heavy rainfall in July. This can lead to flooding and waterlogging in some areas. The humidity levels also tend to stay high throughout the month, making it uncomfortable for outdoor activities during daytime hours.


The average temperature during this time of year ranges from 30-40°C (86-104°F), with peak temperatures reaching up to 45°C (113°F). This makes it difficult for those who have to work outdoors or commute long distances.

In addition to the high temperatures, August also brings monsoon season to Delhi. While the rainfall provides some relief from the heat, it can also cause flooding and traffic disruptions throughout the city. It is important for residents and visitors alike to be prepared for both extreme heat and heavy rain when visiting Delhi in August.


As the monsoon season comes to an end, the city experiences a transition to warmer weather. The average temperature in Delhi during September ranges from 25°C to 35°C.

The beginning of September usually witnesses higher humidity levels due to the after-effects of the monsoons. However, as the month progresses, evenings become cooler and pleasant. The city also receives occasional rainfall during this time, which provides respite from the heat.


October is a month of transition in Delhi. As the monsoon season ends, the city experiences a slight drop in temperature, making it a pleasant time to visit. The average temperature during October ranges from 18°C to 32°C, with an average of 25°C.

While days can still be warm and sunny, evenings and early mornings can be pleasantly cool. This makes it ideal for outdoor activities such as sightseeing, picnics or visiting one of Delhi’s many parks. It is also an excellent time for shopping at local markets without feeling too hot or overwhelmed by the crowds.


November is one of the most pleasant months to visit Delhi, as the city experiences a significant drop in temperature after the scorching summer and monsoon season. The average temperature in Delhi during November ranges from 10°C to 27°C, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities.

The early morning hours are quite chilly, with temperatures dipping down to around 8-10°C. However, as the sun rises, the temperatures gradually increase and by noon it can go up to around 25-27°C. The evenings are moderately cold with temperatures ranging from 12-15°C.


The city of Delhi experiences a significant drop in temperature during the month of December. The average temperature in Delhi during this time ranges from 7°C to 22°C, making it a great time to enjoy the outdoors without being overwhelmed by the heat or cold.

However, it’s important to note that temperatures can vary based on factors such as precipitation and wind patterns. Delhi also experiences occasional foggy weather during this time which can affect visibility and cause flight delays. It’s recommended to check weather forecasts before planning any outdoor activities or travel arrangements.

Despite these variations, many locals and tourists alike consider December to be one of the best times to visit Delhi. With pleasant temperatures and numerous holiday events taking place throughout the city, it’s no wonder why December is becoming an increasingly popular time for travelers to experience all that Delhi has to offer.

      In conclusion,year-round weather in Delhi is an interesting phenomenon that can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, it offers residents of the city some respite from extreme temperatures during the summer and winter months. But despite its drawbacks, Delhi’s year-round weather still provides its citizens with an overall pleasant experience. Click here for delhi tourism official website.

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